Thursday, November 22, 2007


As i am sure that you know there has been a slight cock-up in the transporting a CD containing information about 25 million child benefit recipients, this is because the government obviously has far too much faith in Royal mail.

More news!

things that you can do that concern the government (if you trust them enough)
-car licence
-deed poll
-Tv licence

Thursday, November 15, 2007

how's things goin jamie?

well how are things going. things are going ok ish. i am unhappy because i have not had enough time to ride my bike much this week because i have had things on. I hope you like my picture, i took it a while ago but have just uploaded it from my camera onto my pc and rather like it

Notes, online education

Notes From an I.T lesson

there are lots of different types of learning online, there are many types of learning, here are some examples

-Sam learning
-search engines(looking up info)
-educational games(
-virtual lessons
-video tutorials