Monday, December 17, 2007

An image of me that i edited

Thursday, December 6, 2007

- an online backup for any file types.

iDrive(GT mountainbike yay for bikes ^_^)
- the idrive is an online storage centre for mac users to back up their documents

v- conferencing
bulletin boards
allows to work at obscure times of day

Thursday, November 22, 2007


As i am sure that you know there has been a slight cock-up in the transporting a CD containing information about 25 million child benefit recipients, this is because the government obviously has far too much faith in Royal mail.

More news!

things that you can do that concern the government (if you trust them enough)
-car licence
-deed poll
-Tv licence

Thursday, November 15, 2007

how's things goin jamie?

well how are things going. things are going ok ish. i am unhappy because i have not had enough time to ride my bike much this week because i have had things on. I hope you like my picture, i took it a while ago but have just uploaded it from my camera onto my pc and rather like it

Notes, online education

Notes From an I.T lesson

there are lots of different types of learning online, there are many types of learning, here are some examples

-Sam learning
-search engines(looking up info)
-educational games(
-virtual lessons
-video tutorials

Friday, October 26, 2007

Online Messaging

there are many fast instant message providers an example of one is msn, these instant messaging services have their pros and cons. these drawbacks and benefits are both to be taken into consideration before one should use such services. I will use msn as an example because it is the only instant messenger that i have used.

- A fast way of communicating with Friends, colleagues and family, as it says in the name it is instant(or very fast, this can change depending on the speed of the connection) this is practical as you can have a 2 way or more conversation without having a long waiting time for a reply(obviously this all depends on the reply speed of the Pearson at the other end of the wire)

- It is cost effective, the only fee for most of these services is connecting to the Internet, the service is free that is good if you have broadband because you will not be charged any extra for being online at the time at all.

- A drawback of these services is that viruses can quickly and easily be sent from one to another disabling and possibly destroying the Innocent Internet users computer from functioning.

- If you enter a group conversation you could be faced with some strange people such as extremist evangelists that are set to convert you, this is just one of many things that could happen whilst using these services.

- If unsafe information is given out this could lead to danger, this is especially in the case of young children, if they where to be speaking to people that they did not know and they gave out personal information that they may not even realise they are doing they could become victims of pedophiles, these pedophiles target children online and try to arrange a meeting, once this has been arranged they could abduct the child during the meeting and ... enough said.

brought to you by Jamie. :)

Many thanks for reading

Monday, October 8, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

what i've done

today i have used the internet for Games, MSN, e-mail, shopping and research. other technologys i have used are mu ps3.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

me myself and I

hey fellow bloggers hope you are doing well, today i was at work at halfords (bike section) that was cool i like working there. yesterday i went mountainbiking over garburn pass (lake district) that was awsome until i crashed out on the downhill and now have cuts and bruises all down one side of my body i think i was lucky not to break my right arm because i landed really heavily on it. after biking i played on halo 3 for a while at my bussys house ( i can't get halo 3 as i have a ps3 it is better than xbox 360 but you cant get halo 3) then i went to the maize maze with some of my Friends to do the midnight maze actually 7-10 but it is in the dark, that was awsome we got lost for hours

Friday, September 28, 2007

ThE sTaRt ... Of ThE EnD

this is my first entery of many. It is going to be the best blogg in the world! today i am at school it aint so fun =( . In kjhckjxhckjbkjhi uug jhxdgfyj jhsdgj gfjh jbv jshvkhv jh asjf gdhgfjhsdgfjh dfjhgj hsgadtf ajgd aysgd jvgdfua sgfdgfsa!!!! I am doing an e-book as part of my AS level IT. the things i will be looking at arecommunication(e-mail, live messanger, ect)Real time infomation(news services, weather)commerce(shopping, banking)gouverment(e-voting,tax returns)education(games,learning)buisness(videoconfrencing,buisness networks)entertainment(games,radio)downloads(music,films)archiving(x drives)


i happen to create blogs every day and then by the next day i have forgottn the passwords